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In 2009, I came up with a sim­ple idea. At the time, stu­dio was locat­ed three doors down from a charm­ing flower shop, one that I have grown to love and appre­ci­ate. A major­i­ty of the flow­ers fea­tured in my work come from this very shop. Hav­ing devel­oped a won­der­ful rela­tion­ship with the florists, one of my favorite things to do, ever to this day, is to walk through their cool­ers and pick out the per­fect flower for my work. Some­where along the way I began shar­ing this expe­ri­ence with the many chil­dren that I have been priv­i­leged to pho­to­graph. Before each ses­sion, these lit­tle girls were tak­en to the back cool­er, where they were able to pick their own daisy. There is an authen­tic­i­ty found in each image that would have nev­er been cap­tured if a flower were mere­ly pre­s­e­lect­ed and used sim­ply as a prop. Although these pho­tographs have a time­less beau­ty to them, the expe­ri­ence I had with every­one of these young peo­ple far out­weighs any pho­to­graph in the collection. 

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