
flower-photography-art-6It’s always in the last place you look.” Many peo­ple miss the humor in this state­ment. The real­i­ty is, once we find some­thing we stop look­ing. To con­tin­ue look­ing would be con­trary to logic.

At its peak, how­ev­er, art is devoid of rea­son. Once an idea becomes ingrained in one’s mind, oth­er ideas soon fol­low, cre­at­ing a whirl­wind of thought. When pur­su­ing the art of pho­tog­ra­phy with love and pas­sion, any per­ceived des­ti­na­tion is nev­er the end of the road. There is always anoth­er hill to climb or road to trav­el, a seem­ing­ly infi­nite set of cre­ative goals and pho­to­graph­ic tools to refine.

Every great jour­ney has set­backs, fail­ures, and heart­break. For each accom­plish­ment, numer­ous weak­ness­es reveal them­selves, and there are a vast num­ber of dead ends along the way. If the chal­lenge of refine­ment and growth were ever to end, the jour­ney would stop and anoth­er endeav­or would surface.

The body of work pre­sent­ed before you can be summed up as trav­el pho­tog­ra­phy. More pre­cise­ly, this col­lec­tion presents what can be found at the dead ends along the way when a trav­el­er choos­es not to accept them as failure.

There is a great reward wait­ing when we open our eyes.

error: Copyright Michael Barton Art